Happy New Year............. So sorry the social media has taken a back step.
Well, where do I begin? The last three months have been manic - Productive, successful and very enjoyable (in a mad kind of way)!
Every spare moment I had, I could be found upstairs in 'The Sewing Room' (Jack's bedroom - thank god for Uni) It was worth it, two very good Craft Fayres and one, well lets just say - wrong venue, poor students don't like to part with money.
Jack came home from Glasgow, Christmas & New Year came and went, no sewing room, no sewing done. Caught up with my friends for a meal, it's been a while, and quite difficult to get seven ladies together all at once and unfortunately the 'lurgy' had caught two so we were down to five :(
I have a couple of commissions to make and them I'll get back to making myself some clothes as I sure as hell have a great selection of fabrics to choose from - remember France, mmmmm just a distant memory.